Create an account
To use Superblog, you need to have a valid email address. To explore the product, we offer you a free 14-day trial. No credit card is required to sign up for the trial.
There are no restrictions during trial-period. You can connect your domain to your Superblog and start publishing posts. However, there are few sensible limitations to prevent abuse of the platform.
Signup / Login
Superblog uses passwordless login. You don't need to signup with a username/password for Superblog. You can simply login with your Google account or use any email address to receive a magic link to login. Your account is created automatically.
Magic Link
If you enter your email address to login to Superblog then you will receive an email with login link. Click on the "Login to dashboard" button.
- This link is valid for 24 hours only. You can request 3 magic links in a 24 hours window. If you try to request more links then you will be shown an error:
Exceeded logins attempt
. - If you use Office 365 or Outlook, or potentially other Email systems, you may notice that your Email invitation Links are not working. This is because the invitation Email your User is receiving is being scanned by the Email provider. In the specific case of Outlook and their "SafeLink" feature. You will get the error: "Unable to sign in - this link is no longer valid".
You need to add to your safelinks feature via office365 or other email providers.