Managing user roles is a key part of running any WordPress site. Each user role, like Subscriber, Editor, or Administrator, comes with different levels of access and permissions.

Sometimes, you may want to upgrade a Subscriber to an Administrator. This might happen if you want to give someone full access to help manage your site, publish content, install plugins, or handle settings.

Since the Admin role has complete control over the website, it’s important to know how to do this safely and correctly. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to make a Subscriber an Admin in WordPress.

Step-by-Step Guide: Change a Subscriber to an Admin

Follow these steps to easily change a user’s role from Subscriber to Administrator.

1. Log into Your WordPress Dashboard


  • Open your website’s login page by visiting:

  • Log in using your Administrator username and password.

2. Open the Users Section


  • After logging in, look for the Users option in the left-hand menu.

  • Click on Users > All Users.

  • This will show you a list of all users on your site.

3. Find the Subscriber You Want to Promote


  • Scroll through the user list or use the search box to find the specific subscriber.

  • Once you find the user, hover over their name and click Edit.

4. Change Their Role to Administrator


  • On the Edit User page, scroll down until you see the Role dropdown.


  • Open the dropdown and select Administrator.

5. Save the Changes


  • After selecting the new role, scroll to the bottom of the page.

  • Click the Update User button to save the changes.

  • The user now has full admin access.

Important Things to Know

1. Admins Have Full Control

  • Administrators have complete control over your website.

  • They can install/delete plugins, change themes, edit any content, manage settings, and even remove other users — including other admins.

  • Only promote users you fully trust to the Administrator role.

2. Consider Other Roles If Full Access Isn’t Needed

  • If you only want someone to write or edit blog posts, the Editor or Author roles might be better.

  • These roles limit what the user can do, keeping your site safer.

How to Remove Admin Access Later

If you ever need to remove admin access, here’s how:

  • Go to Users > All Users.


  • Find the user.


  • Click Edit under their name.


  • Change their role back to Subscriber (or any other appropriate role).

  • Click Update User.

Bonus Tip: Use a Plugin for Better Role Management

If your website has many users and you want more control over what each role can do, a plugin can help.

One good option is User Role Editor. This plugin lets you customize roles or create new ones with exactly the permissions you want.

How to Use User Role Editor

  • Go to Plugins > Add New.


  • Search for User Role Editor.


  • Install and activate the plugin.

  • Once activated, go to Users > User Role Editor to adjust user roles easily.

Final Thoughts

Changing a Subscriber to an Admin in WordPress is simple, but it’s also a big responsibility. Admins can completely control your site, so only give this role to people you trust.

If someone only needs limited access — like writing posts or editing pages — you can assign them a lower role, such as Editor or Author.

With these steps, you can manage user roles confidently and keep your WordPress site safe and organized.