Superblog is designed from the ground up to be compatible with other software stacks. So, it’s very easy to access your superblog’s posts, tags, authors, etc via API.

If is your superblog’s URL then this is your RSS feed: 1

You can do a GET request and render the response data (most recent posts) on mobile or website.
It is RSS 2.0 spec-compliant and hence can be used with any other software too. for example zapier or zohoworkflow.

Sample JS code:

const fetch = require('node-fetch-polyfill');
const convert = require('xml-js');

const res = await fetch(''); // change this URL to your blog's URL
const data = await res.text();
const rssData = convert.xml2js(data);
const postNodes = rssData.elements[0].elements[0].elements.filter((e) => === 'item');
const rssPosts = => {
return {
title: pn.elements[0].elements[0].text,
link: pn.elements[1].elements[0].text,
description: pn.elements[2].elements[0].cdata,
pubDate: pn.elements[3].elements[0].text,
Real world examples:
RSS Feed: 1
See the “Blog Posts” section here 1

This is the most effective way for front-end developers to read your blog’s content.

In case if you want to build a custom solution on top of Superblog’s CMS, the entire Superblog dashboard is built using REST standards. There is no documentation for that but you can view Chrome’s developer tools to figure the rest endpoints and use that in your custom application.